We are close and dear friends, perhaps soul mates. We can tell each other anything. We’ve known each other for decades, and have born each other’s joys, sorrows, losses and gains. I know what you’re going to say before you open your mouth; you know what I’m going to say, and I can tell by the way you roll your eyes. It is night after a picnic, or perhaps a barbecue. We are full, happy, at peace, lying on our backs in the grass, gazing up at a moonless, star-strewn desert sky. You ask, “What is this all about? This Cosmos? Where did I come from, why am I here, where am I going? What is the purpose of life?” And I answer:
“Becoming Human in the Cosmos: The Purpose and Ultimate Destiny of Human Life”
130,000+ words. An Introduction, prologue, plus eleven chapters. It is the first book to combine, in one whole work, scripture and apocrypha, (books contemporary with scripture, but not in the canon), near death experiences, theoretical physics, biology, new age, philosophy and wisdom literature. The blind men each had their portion of the elephant: this book puts the animal together. (Or, Frankenstein’s monster!)
Along with the above, I tackle such considerations as “Will there be mosquitoes in Heaven?”, “Can God make a rock so big that He can’t lift?”, “Why no one in Heaven has to go to the bathroom”, “The number of earth-type planets in the universe”, “Space pirates”, “How evolution, creation and re-incarnation all come together”, and “Did God have sex with Mary?”, among others. The Cosmos and our eternal lives are way too complex to be taken seriously. This book mirrors the smile that we all hope is on God’s face.